Tips for Effective Exhibit Design

Common Sense Rules for Great Looking Exhibits

  • keep it simple
  • make it big
  • make it colorful
  • minimize words
  • maximize pictures
  • use lots of light
  • make it move, if you can
  • use sound, if it makes sense
  • make it as tall as show rules allow
  • keep your main message above waist level

A Few Thoughts on Graphics

The most common graphic error new exhibitors make is to turn their trade show display into a bulletin board, covered with small signs, pictures, ads, and brochures. This is ugly and ineffective.

  • Don’t put up any picture or sign smaller than 16″ x 20″.
  • Limit your solid-text signs to about 25 words; bulleted text to no more than five or six single-line statements.
  • Use large type – at least 1″ letters.
  • Everything in your convention booth should be able to be seen and read from at least 15 feet away.

A Few Thoughts on Physical Space

Another common error exhibitors often make is to pack too much into too little booth space.

Keep in mind that a person needs about 5 square feet of “elbow room” to work.

In a 10′ x 10′ space there is room for up to four people.  Add a booth and you’re now down to two or three people for staff and customers, depending upon the booth setup.

Add in product demos and computer stands and you now have very little room in your booth.

Take as little as needed to do business, or consider more space that better fit your goals.

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